tisdag 9 december 2014


To all of my customers who made the X-mas market at Röda Sten this weekend such a success. I almost sold out! But there's still a few products left and I will update the shop as soon as I can with some new items. If you wish to place a special order and have it delivered before X-mas please send me an email as soon as possible at:


and I will see what I can do!

måndag 1 december 2014

Röda Sten X-mas market

Hello friends, here's a friendly reminder about the X-mas market at Röda Sten this weekend. As you all know by now I'll be there and really hope to meet some of you. Opening hours:

friday dec 5th: 17.00 - 20.00
saturday dec 6th: 12.00 - 17.00
sunday dec 7th: 12.00 - 17.00

Mote info about the market here.