söndag 29 december 2013

Kalas in Göteborgs Posten

Since I have been away for the holidays I haven't been reading the newspaper Göteborgs Posten in a couple of days, but today someone sent me this where Kalas is being mentioned in a small piece about upcoming design brands from Gothenburg:
(in Swedish)

I'm really happy to have been mentioned and it's one of the best surprises to be getting and end the year with.

fredag 20 december 2013

Hoppy Holidays

Me (and my bunnies) are taking a well earned holiday break, you can still order in the shop but i wont be able to ship until january 1st. Hope you're having a nice relaxing couple of days in front of you.

Hugs & Hoppy Holidays!

onsdag 18 december 2013


Hello, here comes a friendly reminder that the Holiday discount is activated until december 31st and there's still some goodies left in the shop + I've also added something new, so check it out! Unfortunately it is too late to get your order shipped in time for Christmas, however, a late X-mas gift is better then none.


tisdag 17 december 2013

Kalas now available at Kvart Interiör

Hej hej, today I can happily announce that the Kalas accessorie line now are available in the store of Kvart Interiör, in Gothenburg, Sweden! Kvart Interiör is located at Mariaplan (Slottskogsgatan 46) and offers beautiful and inspiring design products from all of the world.

At Kvart you'll find some new Kalas products, so check it out!

Opening hours:
Monday, wednesday & thursday 11.00 - 18.00
Tuesday & friday 11.00 - 16.00

fredag 13 december 2013

Kalas now available at Butik Kubik

Hello friends!
Today I can happily announce that my Kalas accessories are available at the small colorful shop Butik Kubik, both in the store and on their online shop at:


Tredje Långgatan 8, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Opening hours:
Tuesday - friday 12.00 -18.00
Saturday 12.00 - 16.00

tisdag 10 december 2013

Marknad at Ateljé Under Uppbyggnad

Welcome to Ateljé Under Uppbyggnads market on sunday dec 15 at Molinsgatan 15, Gothenburg, Sweden. Opening hours between 11.00 - 18.00

At the market you can find all kind of goodies such as second hand clothes, design items, crafts, art and other beautiful creations. And of course my Kalas creations!

måndag 9 december 2013

Pictures & press from the markets

Both HDK Julmarknad and Röda Sten Julmarknad got some attention in the local press, here you can read (in Swedish I'm afraid) and look at pictures from the two markets.

Röda Sten

And I also want to remind you that on sunday the 15th my studio collective is hosting a market at Molinsgatan 15, here in Gothenburg. Read more about it here. All are welcome!

In this picture I'm in the lower right (with the sun in my eyes). Amazing space isn't it?

söndag 8 december 2013

A big thanks to all my customers

I'm so happy you like what I do and that you become happy from wearing my creations. It was so nice meeting some of you during this weekends Christmas market (some of you even defied the wicked Gothenburg winter weather).

Stor kram!

HDK market, news & a reminder

almost sold out the necklaces at the market yesterday, so I had to make some new ones out of beads I had allready made before the market (just in case). I then came up with some new color schemes, like the one below, that I'm very pleased with so I'll probably make some for the shop. Keep a look out! :)

Also a small reminder that if you wish to get your ordered Kalas deliciousness before Christmas you need to place your orders before wednesday 11/12 (go to the shop by clicking the 'SHOP' button on the right). The holiday discount is available until december 31st.


fredag 6 december 2013

HDK Christmas market starts today

Hello friends, here's a quick reminder that HDK Jul (Christmas market) starts today at 16.00 - 19.00 at Kristinelundsgatan 6-8, Gothenburg, Sweden. The opening hours for saturday and sunday is 11.00-17.00. To read more about the market click here.

Will I be seeing you there? I hope so.
Stor kram.

tisdag 3 december 2013

måndag 2 december 2013

You guys are amazing!

Since I announced the holiday discount yesterday I've been getting a lot of new orders. So right now I'm busy packing your orders (so that at least some of you will get your orders before Christmas).

I'm so glad you have such a great taste in accessories!
Thank you.

Other than packing orders I'm preparing for this weekends Christmas market at HDK. To see the opening hours and all info please click the link. 

söndag 1 december 2013

Holiday discount

Hello friends!

As promised, here comes the reduced holiday prices - my x-mas gift for you. All you have to do is click the "buy" button in the shop on the item/items you wish to purchase.

A huge thanks

To all my customers during Röda Sten Julmarknad! I'm sending lots of love your way. 

As you can see I also had a little help during the market, so a big thanks also goes out to Sebastian. 

If you would like to read more about the market or look up any of the other participating designers go to:


Or check out the tag #rskjulmarknad on Instagram.